The Healing Properties of Clear Quartz: As used in Reiki

The use of crystals for healing and energy balancing has been practiced for centuries, and one of the most popular and versatile crystals in this practice is clear quartz. Known for its powerful healing properties, clear quartz is a crystal that is highly sought after by healers, energy workers, and individuals looking to enhance their spiritual practice. In this article, we will explore the many benefits and uses of clear quartz as it relates to the ancient practice of Reiki. From its ability to amplify energy to its connection with the Crown Chakra, we will delve into the unique properties of clear quartz and how it can enhance your overall well-being. So, let’s begin our journey into the healing properties of clear quartz in the context of Reiki.

What is Clear Quartz?

Clear quartz is a type of crystal that is made up of silica dioxide, one of the most abundant minerals in the Earth’s crust. It is a colorless and transparent crystal, hence the name “clear” quartz. It can also come in a variety of shades, ranging from milky white to smoky gray, but it is the clear variety that is most commonly used in energy work and healing practices. Clear quartz is found in many parts of the world, including Brazil, Madagascar, and the United States, and it has been used for its healing properties by different cultures throughout history.

How is Clear Quartz Used in Reiki?

In Reiki, clear quartz is considered to be a powerful amplifier of energy and intention. It is often used in combination with other crystals to enhance their healing properties and to magnify the energy flow during a Reiki session. Clear quartz is also used to clear and balance the Chakras, the energy centers of the body, and to promote overall well-being. Its pure and high vibrational energy makes it a popular choice for Reiki practitioners and individuals looking to enhance their spiritual practice.

The Connection with the Crown Chakra

In Reiki and other spiritual practices, the Crown Chakra is associated with the color white and is seen as the connection between the physical and spiritual realms. It is located at the top of the head and is believed to be the center of spiritual awareness and higher consciousness. Clear quartz is often used to balance and clear the Crown Chakra, allowing for a stronger connection to the spiritual realm and higher self.

The Amplifying Properties of Clear Quartz

As mentioned earlier, clear quartz is known for its ability to amplify energy and intention. In Reiki, this is particularly useful as it can enhance the flow of energy during a session and help to clear any blockages or stagnant energy. Clear quartz can also amplify the effects of other crystals when used in combination with them, making it a powerful tool for energy work and healing.

Other Uses of Clear Quartz

Aside from its role in Reiki, clear quartz has many other uses and benefits. It is said to be a powerful cleanser and can help to purify and energize the physical, mental, and emotional bodies. It is also believed to enhance mental clarity and promote overall balance and harmony within the body. Some people also use clear quartz to aid in meditation and to connect with their intuition and spiritual guides.

How to Use Clear Quartz in Reiki

There are many ways to incorporate clear quartz into a Reiki session, and it ultimately depends on the intention and preference of the practitioner. Some common ways to use clear quartz in Reiki include:

  • Placing clear quartz on or around the client’s body during a session to enhance the energy flow and promote balance.
  • Using clear quartz as a wand to direct energy during a session.
  • Combining clear quartz with other crystals to amplify their healing properties.
  • Wearing clear quartz jewelry to keep its energy close to the body.

Are Clear Quartz and Obsidian Both Used in Reiki Healing Practices?

Yes, both clear quartz and obsidian are used in Reiki healing practices. Clear quartz is believed to amplify energy and aid in healing, while the healing properties of obsidian include protection and grounding. Together, they can help balance and cleanse the energy in the body during Reiki sessions.


The healing properties of clear quartz make it an essential tool in Reiki and other spiritual practices. Its ability to amplify energy and promote balance and harmony within the body make it a popular choice for energy workers and individuals looking to enhance their spiritual well-being. Whether used on its own or in combination with other crystals, clear quartz is a powerful tool for healing and promoting overall wellness.