Healing Properties of Black Obsidian in Reiki

Black obsidian is a powerful crystal that has been used for centuries for its healing properties. This dark, volcanic glass is known for its ability to protect, ground, and balance the mind, body, and spirit. In the practice of Reiki, black obsidian is highly regarded for its ability to enhance the flow of energy and promote healing. In this article, we will explore the various healing properties of black obsidian in Reiki, as well as its significance in crystal healing. From its protective qualities to its ability to activate the root chakra, black obsidian has much to offer in the realm of holistic healing. So, let’s delve deeper into the world of black obsidian and discover its powerful healing abilities.

What is Black Obsidian?

Before we dive into the healing properties of black obsidian in Reiki, let’s first understand what this crystal is and where it comes from. Black obsidian is a type of volcanic glass that is formed when lava cools rapidly. It is primarily composed of silica, with small amounts of iron and magnesium. Black obsidian is usually black in color, but it can also appear in shades of dark green, brown, or red, depending on the impurities present in the lava.

Black obsidian has been used by various ancient civilizations, such as the Aztecs and the Mayans, for its healing properties and spiritual significance. It is believed to have a strong connection to the Earth, making it a powerful grounding stone. It is also often referred to as the “stone of truth” as it can help reveal hidden truths and bring them to the surface.

Healing Properties of Black Obsidian in Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that involves the transfer of energy from the practitioner to the recipient in order to promote healing and relaxation. Black obsidian is highly valued in Reiki for its ability to enhance the flow of energy and remove any blockages in the body. Here are some of the key healing properties of black obsidian in Reiki:


One of the primary healing properties of black obsidian in Reiki is its ability to protect the mind, body, and spirit from negative energies. It creates a shield around the aura and acts as a protective barrier, preventing any harmful energies from entering the body. This makes it an excellent crystal for those who are highly sensitive or empathic, as it can help them maintain their energetic boundaries.

Black obsidian also has the ability to absorb and transmute negative energies, making it a useful tool for clearing and cleansing the energy field. It can be particularly helpful for those who are going through a difficult or challenging time, as it can provide a sense of stability and protection.


Another important healing property of black obsidian in Reiki is its grounding ability. This crystal has a strong connection to the Earth, making it an excellent tool for grounding and centering. It can help bring balance and stability to the mind and emotions, allowing one to feel more grounded and present in the moment. This is especially beneficial for those who struggle with anxiety or have a hard time staying focused.

Black obsidian can also help release any excess energy or tension from the body, allowing one to feel more balanced and calm. It can be particularly useful for those who have a lot of nervous energy or have a hard time relaxing.

Activation of the Root Chakra

In Reiki, the root chakra is considered to be the foundation of the energy system. It is responsible for our sense of safety, security, and stability. When the root chakra is out of balance, it can lead to feelings of fear, anxiety, and instability. Black obsidian is known for its ability to activate and balance the root chakra, helping to promote feelings of safety and security.

This crystal can also help release any stagnant energy from the root chakra, allowing for a more balanced flow of energy throughout the body. This can lead to a sense of overall wellbeing and increased vitality.

How to Use Black Obsidian in Reiki

There are several ways to incorporate black obsidian into your Reiki practice. Here are some suggestions:

  • Hold a piece of black obsidian in your hand while giving or receiving Reiki to enhance the flow of energy.
  • Place black obsidian on the root chakra during a Reiki session to help activate and balance this energy center.
  • Wear black obsidian jewelry to benefit from its protective and grounding properties throughout the day.

Can Prehnite be Used in Conjunction with Black Obsidian for Reiki Healing?

Yes, the healing properties of prehnite make it a great stone to use in conjunction with black obsidian for Reiki healing. Prehnite is known for its calming and grounding effects, while black obsidian helps to absorb negative energy. Together, they can create a powerful and balanced healing experience.


In conclusion, black obsidian has many powerful healing properties that make it a valuable tool in Reiki and crystal healing. From its ability to protect and ground to its activation of the root chakra, this crystal has much to offer in terms of promoting balance and wellbeing. Incorporating black obsidian into your Reiki practice can help enhance the flow of energy and bring about a sense of calm and stability. So, next time you’re in need of some grounding and protection, reach for this powerful crystal and experience its healing properties for yourself.