The Healing Properties of Amazonite: How This Crystal Can Aid in Reiki Healing

The use of crystals for healing and balancing has been a practice dating back centuries, and one crystal in particular has gained popularity for its powerful healing properties. Amazonite, with its soothing blue-green hue, has been used for centuries by ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and the Greeks for its ability to heal and protect. In this article, we will delve into the physical and metaphysical properties of Amazonite, and how it can enhance Reiki healing, making it a must-have tool for energy healers and spiritual seekers alike.

Physical Properties of Amazonite

Before we dive into the metaphysical properties of Amazonite, it’s important to understand its physical characteristics. This will help us better understand how this crystal works to aid in healing and balancing.

Color and Appearance

Amazonite is a variety of microcline feldspar, a mineral that is typically found in igneous rocks. It is most commonly known for its striking blue-green color, which is caused by the presence of lead and water in its chemical composition. The color of Amazonite can range from a pale green to a deep turquoise, with white streaks and flecks throughout. Its appearance is often described as calming and serene, making it a popular choice for jewelry and home decor.

Hardness and Durability

On the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, Amazonite ranks at a 6-6.5, making it a relatively durable crystal. However, it is important to note that it is still susceptible to scratches and chips, so proper handling and care is necessary to maintain its beauty and energy.

Origin and Formation

Amazonite is named after the Amazon River in Brazil, where it was first discovered. However, it can also be found in other parts of the world, including Russia, Madagascar, and the United States. It is formed through the process of weathering and erosion, and can often be found in the cracks and crevices of rocks and cliffs.

Chemical Composition

The chemical composition of Amazonite is primarily made up of potassium, aluminum, and silicate. It also contains small amounts of lead and water, which give it its unique blue-green color. This combination of elements is what gives Amazonite its powerful healing properties.

Other Physical Characteristics

In addition to its color and composition, Amazonite also has other physical characteristics that make it stand out among other crystals. It has a vitreous or glass-like luster, and its transparency can range from translucent to opaque. It also has a prismatic crystal structure, meaning it has flat sides and pointed ends, making it a beautiful addition to any crystal collection.

Metaphysical Properties of Amazonite

Now that we have explored the physical properties of Amazonite, let’s delve into its metaphysical properties. This is where we will see how this crystal can aid in healing and balancing on a deeper level.

Chakra Association

Amazonite is most commonly associated with the throat and heart chakras. The throat chakra is responsible for communication and self-expression, while the heart chakra is associated with love, compassion, and emotional balance. By placing Amazonite on these chakras, it can help to clear any blockages and promote healthy energy flow.

Healing and Balancing Properties

Amazonite is known for its ability to soothe and calm the mind, making it a powerful tool for emotional healing. It can help to release negative emotions and promote a sense of inner peace and tranquility. Its energy is also said to be beneficial for physical healing, as it can help to alleviate muscle tension and promote overall well-being.

Emotional and Spiritual Benefits

Aside from its healing and balancing properties, Amazonite also offers many emotional and spiritual benefits. It is said to promote courage and confidence, helping individuals to speak their truth and stand up for themselves. It can also aid in spiritual growth and enhance intuition, allowing one to connect with their higher self and the divine.

How to Use Amazonite in Crystal Healing

There are many ways to use Amazonite in crystal healing. Some suggestions include carrying it with you throughout the day, meditating with it, or placing it on specific areas of the body for targeted healing. You can also place it in your home or workspace to promote a peaceful and harmonious environment.

Cleansing and Charging Amazonite

Like all crystals, Amazonite should be cleansed and charged regularly to maintain its energy and effectiveness. It is recommended to cleanse it under running water or with sage smoke, and to charge it under the sun or moonlight.

How Amazonite Enhances Reiki Healing

Reiki, a form of energy healing, has gained popularity in recent years for its ability to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and aid in physical and emotional healing. When combined with the healing properties of Amazonite, the effects can be even more powerful.

Reiki and Crystal Healing

Reiki and crystal healing go hand in hand, as both practices focus on balancing and channeling energy for healing purposes. Amazonite’s ability to soothe and calm the mind can enhance the effects of Reiki, making it a valuable tool for practitioners.

Benefits of Combining Amazonite and Reiki

Combining Amazonite and Reiki can have a variety of benefits, including improved emotional balance, increased physical healing, and enhanced spiritual growth. The calming energy of Amazonite can also help to create a more peaceful and relaxing environment for the Reiki session.

Specific Techniques for Using Amazonite in Reiki Healing

There are many techniques for using Amazonite in Reiki healing, such as placing it on the chakras, using it as a pendulum, or incorporating it into a crystal grid. Each technique may offer different benefits, so it is important to experiment and find what works best for you.

Integrating Amazonite into Reiki Sessions

Integrating Amazonite into Reiki sessions can be as simple as placing it on the client’s body or incorporating it into the practitioner’s energy healing techniques. Its energy can enhance the effects of Reiki and provide a deeper level of relaxation and healing.

Other Uses for Amazonite

In addition to its healing properties, Amazonite can also be used in a variety of other ways, making it a versatile and valuable crystal to have in your collection.

Jewelry and Fashion

Amazonite is a popular choice for jewelry, as its beautiful blue-green color adds a touch of tranquility and style to any outfit. Wearing Amazonite jewelry can also provide the wearer with its healing and balancing properties throughout the day.

Home Decor and Feng Shui

Placing Amazonite in your home or office can bring a calming and harmonious energy to the space. It can also be used in feng shui to enhance certain areas of your life, such as love and relationships or career success.

Meditation and Spiritual Practices

Amazonite’s soothing energy makes it an ideal crystal for meditation and spiritual practices. Its calming properties can help to quiet the mind and enhance the connection to the spiritual realm.

Healing and Protection for Children

Amazonite can also be used to aid in the healing and protection of children. Placing it in their room or carrying it with them can help to soothe and calm any emotional or physical issues they may be experiencing.

Creative and Artistic Inspiration

For those who are seeking to tap into their creative side, Amazonite can provide inspiration and aid in the creative process. Its calming energy can help to quiet the mind and allow for new ideas and perspectives to flow.

Can Amazonite and Sodalite Crystals Be Used Together for Reiki Healing?

Yes, Amazonite and sodalite crystals can be used together for Reiki healing. Amazonite helps with emotional balance and communication, while the healing properties of sodalite promote mental clarity and inner peace. Together, they can enhance the overall healing experience and bring about a sense of calm and well-being.


In conclusion, the healing properties of Amazonite make it a valuable tool for anyone seeking to balance and heal on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. Its soothing energy can enhance Reiki healing and provide a sense of inner peace and tranquility in daily life. Whether you choose to wear it, meditate with it, or incorporate it into your home decor, Amazonite is a powerful crystal that can bring a sense of calm and balance to your life.