Healing Crystals for Chakras: How to Use Them for Reiki Healing

The use of healing crystals for chakras has become increasingly popular in recent years. These sparkling gems are believed to hold powerful energies that can help balance and align the body’s seven main energy centers, known as chakras. Whether you are new to the world of crystal healing or are looking to deepen your understanding, this article will guide you through the benefits of using healing crystals for chakras and how to incorporate them into your Reiki healing practice.

Benefits of Using Healing Crystals for Chakras

Before delving into the specific types of crystals for each chakra, let’s explore the overall benefits of using healing crystals for chakras. These benefits can be divided into three main categories: physical, emotional, and spiritual.

Physical Benefits

One of the main reasons people turn to healing crystals is for their physical benefits. Each crystal is believed to hold a unique vibration that can help alleviate physical ailments and promote overall well-being. For example, amethyst is known to help relieve headaches and promote restful sleep, while citrine is believed to boost energy and improve digestion.

Incorporating healing crystals into your daily routine can also help to reduce stress and tension in the body, leading to a stronger immune system and improved overall health. These physical benefits can be attributed to the crystals’ ability to balance and harmonize the body’s energy centers.

Emotional Benefits

The use of healing crystals for chakras can also have a profound impact on one’s emotional well-being. Each crystal is associated with different emotions and can help to bring balance and clarity to those emotions. For example, rose quartz is known as the “love stone” and can help to promote feelings of compassion and self-love, while black tourmaline is believed to provide protection and grounding during times of stress or anxiety.

By using healing crystals for chakras, one can also gain a deeper understanding of their emotions and how to work through them in a healthy and productive way.

Spiritual Benefits

Finally, the use of healing crystals for chakras can have powerful spiritual benefits. These crystals are believed to hold ancient wisdom and can help to connect one’s physical body with their spiritual self. By using specific crystals for each chakra, one can achieve a deeper understanding of their spiritual journey and work towards a state of balance and enlightenment.

Types of Healing Crystals for Each Chakra

Now that we have explored the overall benefits of using healing crystals for chakras, let’s dive into the specific types of crystals for each of the seven chakras.

Root Chakra

The root chakra, located at the base of the spine, is associated with the color red and is connected to our sense of security, grounding, and survival. Some popular crystals for this chakra include garnet, red jasper, and black tourmaline.

Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra, located just below the navel, is associated with the color orange and is connected to our emotions, creativity, and sexuality. Some popular crystals for this chakra include carnelian, citrine, and orange calcite.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra, located in the upper abdomen, is associated with the color yellow and is connected to our self-esteem, personal power, and confidence. Some popular crystals for this chakra include yellow citrine, golden tiger’s eye, and pyrite.

Heart Chakra

The heart chakra, located in the center of the chest, is associated with the color green and is connected to our ability to give and receive love, compassion, and forgiveness. Some popular crystals for this chakra include rose quartz, green aventurine, and emerald.

Throat Chakra

The throat chakra, located at the base of the throat, is associated with the color blue and is connected to our ability to communicate and express ourselves. Some popular crystals for this chakra include blue lace agate, aquamarine, and blue calcite.

Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra, located between the eyebrows, is associated with the color indigo and is connected to our intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual awareness. Some popular crystals for this chakra include amethyst, lapis lazuli, and sodalite.

Crown Chakra

The crown chakra, located at the top of the head, is associated with the color purple or white and is connected to our spiritual connection, enlightenment, and higher consciousness. Some popular crystals for this chakra include clear quartz, amethyst, and selenite.

How to Cleanse and Program Crystals

Now that you have a better understanding of the types of crystals for each chakra, it’s important to know how to properly care for and use them in your healing practice. This includes cleansing and programming your crystals.

Cleansing Methods

Crystals can absorb negative energy and can become dull or less effective over time. It’s important to regularly cleanse your crystals to keep them in optimal condition. Some common cleansing methods include:

  • Water: Some crystals can be cleansed by rinsing them under running water. However, be sure to research if your specific crystal can be cleansed with water as some may dissolve or become damaged.
  • Sunlight/Moonlight: Placing your crystals in direct sunlight or moonlight for a few hours can help to cleanse them. Be mindful of leaving certain crystals in direct sunlight for too long as they may fade or lose their color.
  • Smudging: Burning sage, palo santo, or other cleansing herbs and passing your crystals through the smoke can help to remove negative energy.
  • Sound: Using a singing bowl, bell, or tuning fork can also help to cleanse your crystals. Simply hold the crystal in one hand and ring the instrument near it for a minute or two.

Programming Techniques

Once your crystals are cleansed, it’s important to program them with your intention. This involves setting an intention or goal for the crystal and infusing it with that energy. Some common programming techniques include:

  • Visualization: Hold the crystal in your hand and visualize your intention flowing into the crystal, infusing it with your energy.
  • Speaking: Speak your intention or affirmation out loud while holding the crystal in your hand.
  • Meditation: Meditating with your crystal can also help to program it with your intention. Simply hold the crystal in your hand and focus on your desired outcome.

Incorporating Crystals into Reiki Sessions

Reiki is a form of energy healing that focuses on balancing and aligning the body’s energy centers. The use of healing crystals can enhance and deepen the effects of a Reiki session. Here are some ways to incorporate crystals into your Reiki practice:

Choosing the Right Crystals

When choosing crystals to use in a Reiki session, it’s important to consider the intention or goal of the session, as well as the individual’s specific needs. You may choose to use crystals for each chakra or focus on specific areas of the body that may need extra attention.

Placing Crystals on Chakras

During a Reiki session, you can place crystals on the corresponding chakras to enhance the flow of energy. For example, placing a rose quartz on the heart chakra can help to promote feelings of love and compassion.

Using Crystals in Reiki Symbols

Crystals can also be incorporated into Reiki symbols, such as the Cho Ku Rei symbol, to amplify their healing properties. One way to do this is by drawing the symbol over the crystal before placing it on the corresponding chakra.

Enhancing Chakra Alignment with Crystals

In addition to using crystals during a Reiki session, you can also use them to enhance chakra alignment on your own. Here are some ways to use crystals to balance and align your chakras:

Balancing Chakras with Crystals

One way to balance your chakras with crystals is by lying down and placing the corresponding crystals on each chakra. You can also hold the crystals in your hands or meditate with them to help bring balance and harmony to your energy centers.

Chakra Layouts with Crystals

A chakra layout is a specific arrangement of crystals on the body to help balance and align the chakras. You can find various chakra layouts online or create your own based on your specific needs and intentions.

Meditation with Chakra Crystals

Meditating with chakra crystals is a powerful way to connect with your energy centers and promote balance and alignment. Simply hold the corresponding crystal in your hand or place it on the corresponding chakra while meditating.

Can I Use Healing Crystals for Chakras Other Than the Solar Plexus in Reiki Healing?

Yes, you can use healing crystals for solar plexus in Reiki healing, but you can also use them for other chakras. Each crystal has its own unique energy that can benefit various chakras. Experiment with different crystals to find the best ones for each chakra in your Reiki healing practice.


Healing crystals for chakras can be a powerful tool for promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By understanding the benefits of each crystal and how to incorporate them into your Reiki healing practice, you can begin to experience the profound effects of crystal healing. Remember to regularly cleanse and program your crystals, and always choose crystals that resonate with your intention and needs.