The Healing Properties of Crystals for Headache Relief in Reiki

Headaches are a common ailment that can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, tension, and medical conditions. While traditional medical treatments such as medication and therapy can be effective in managing and treating headaches, many people are turning to alternative forms of healing, such as Reiki and crystal healing, to find relief. In this article, we will explore the use of crystals for headache relief in Reiki, and how these powerful tools can provide natural and non-invasive relief for those suffering from headaches.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan and is based on the concept of “life force energy” that flows through all living things. Reiki practitioners use this energy to promote healing and balance in the body, mind, and spirit. This gentle and non-invasive healing technique has gained popularity in recent years as a complementary therapy for a variety of ailments, including headaches.

Benefits of Using Crystals for Headache Relief in Reiki

Crystals have been used for healing purposes for centuries, and their use in Reiki can enhance the healing benefits of this practice. Here are some ways in which crystals can benefit those seeking relief from headaches through Reiki:

Improves Energy Flow and Balance

Crystals have unique energetic properties that can help to unblock and balance the flow of energy in the body. When the energy flow is disrupted, it can lead to physical and emotional imbalances, which can contribute to headaches. By using crystals in Reiki, the energy flow can be restored, promoting overall well-being and potentially reducing the frequency and severity of headaches.

Promotes Relaxation and Stress Relief

Stress and tension are common triggers for headaches, and Reiki is known for its ability to promote relaxation and reduce stress levels. By incorporating crystals into a Reiki session, the healing energy of the crystals can work in synergy with the Reiki energy, helping to calm the mind and body and alleviate tension and stress that may contribute to headaches.

Enhances Reiki Healing

Crystals have their own unique healing vibrations, and when used in conjunction with Reiki, they can amplify the healing energy and provide a deeper and more focused healing experience. This can be especially beneficial for those seeking relief from chronic headaches, as it can help to address underlying imbalances that may be contributing to the headaches.

Provides Natural and Non-Invasive Relief

Unlike traditional medical treatments for headaches, which often involve medication or invasive procedures, using crystals in Reiki provides a natural and non-invasive approach to healing. This can be appealing for those seeking a more holistic and gentle approach to managing their headaches.

Addresses Root Causes of Headaches

Headaches can have a variety of underlying causes, and traditional medical treatments often focus on managing symptoms rather than addressing the root cause. Crystals, on the other hand, work on a deeper level and can help to address the underlying imbalances that may be causing the headaches. This can lead to long-term relief and prevention of future headaches.

Complements Traditional Medical Treatment

It is important to note that while crystals can provide powerful healing benefits, they should not be used as a substitute for traditional medical treatment. However, when used in conjunction with traditional treatments, crystals can enhance the healing process and provide additional relief for those suffering from headaches.

Best Crystals for Relieving Headaches

There are countless crystals that can be beneficial for relieving headaches, but here are some of the most effective and commonly used crystals for this purpose:

  • Amethyst
  • Clear Quartz
  • Rose Quartz
  • Selenite
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Black Tourmaline
  • Fluorite

Each of these crystals has its own unique properties that make them ideal for relieving headaches. For example, Amethyst is known for its calming and soothing energy, while Clear Quartz is believed to enhance the effects of other crystals. Rose Quartz is known for its ability to promote emotional healing, while Selenite is believed to have a purifying and cleansing effect. Lapis Lazuli is known for its ability to balance the energy of the throat chakra, which is associated with headaches, while Black Tourmaline is believed to have protective properties. Fluorite is known for its ability to harmonize and balance the body’s energy, making it a useful crystal for those suffering from headaches.

How to Use Crystals for Headache Relief

There are various ways in which crystals can be used for headache relief, including:

Placing Crystals on Specific Chakra Points

In Reiki, there are seven main chakras, or energy centers, in the body. Each chakra is associated with specific physical and emotional aspects, and when these chakras are out of balance, it can contribute to headaches. Placing crystals on specific chakra points during a Reiki session can help to balance and unblock the energy flow and alleviate headaches.

Creating a Crystal Grid

A crystal grid is a specific arrangement of crystals that work together to amplify the healing energy. This can be a powerful method for relieving headaches, as it combines the unique properties of multiple crystals to target the root cause of the headaches.

Carrying Crystals in a Pouch or Pocket

For those who suffer from frequent headaches, carrying crystals in a pouch or pocket can provide ongoing support and relief. This allows the crystals to work on the body’s energy throughout the day and can be especially helpful for those who experience stress-related headaches.

Meditating with Crystals

Meditation is a powerful tool for promoting relaxation and reducing stress, and when combined with the healing energy of crystals, it can be especially beneficial for relieving headaches. Simply choose a crystal that resonates with you and hold it in your hand while meditating, or place it on your forehead or the area of your head where you are experiencing pain.

Using Crystals in Reiki Healing Sessions

During a Reiki session, crystals can be placed on or around the body to enhance the healing energy and provide targeted relief for headaches. This can be a powerful and effective way to use crystals for headache relief.

Crystal Grids for Headache Relief

While there are many ways to use crystals for headache relief, creating a crystal grid is one of the most powerful and effective methods. Here’s how to create a crystal grid specifically for relieving headaches:

How to Create a Crystal Grid

To create a crystal grid, you will need a selection of crystals, a flat surface, and a clear intention for the grid. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Cleanse and charge your crystals by placing them in direct sunlight or moonlight, or by using other cleansing methods such as smudging with sage or using sound vibrations.
  2. Select a flat surface for your grid, such as a table or a piece of cloth.
  3. Place your selected crystals in a specific pattern or design on the flat surface.
  4. Hold your intention for the grid in your mind, such as “this grid is created to alleviate headaches.”
  5. Activate the grid by using a crystal wand or your finger to connect each crystal in the grid, starting at the center and moving outward in a clockwise direction.

Recommended Crystals for a Headache Relief Grid

For a headache relief grid, you can use any combination of the crystals mentioned earlier, or any other crystals that resonate with you. Some recommended crystals for a headache relief grid include:

  • Amethyst
  • Selenite
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Fluorite

Activating and Maintaining the Grid

It is important to activate and maintain your crystal grid regularly to keep it working at its full potential. This can be done by reconnecting the crystals with your intention, using a crystal wand or your finger, on a daily or weekly basis. You can also cleanse and recharge the grid regularly to keep the energy flowing.

Placing the Grid on the Body

Once your grid is activated, you can place it on the area of your head where you are experiencing pain or on your forehead. You can also place it on your bedside table or carry it in a pouch or pocket to continue receiving its healing benefits throughout the day.

Incorporating Crystals into Reiki Sessions

Using crystals in Reiki healing sessions can be a powerful way to provide relief for those suffering from headaches. Here are some ways in which crystals can be incorporated into Reiki sessions specifically for headache relief:

Selecting Crystals for Different Types of Headaches

Just as different types of headaches can have different underlying causes, different crystals may be more effective for treating different types of headaches. For example, Amethyst may be beneficial for those with tension headaches, while Lapis Lazuli may be more effective for migraines. It is important to select crystals that resonate with the individual and their specific type of headache.

Combining Crystals with Reiki Techniques

During a Reiki session, crystals can be placed on or around the body while the practitioner uses Reiki techniques to channel healing energy. This combination can provide a powerful and effective approach to headache relief.

Using Crystals for Distance Reiki Healing

Reiki can be practiced from a distance, and the healing energy can still have a powerful effect. This can be especially beneficial for those who are unable to attend a physical Reiki session due to their headache symptoms. Crystals can be included in the distance Reiki healing process to provide additional support and relief.

Clearing and Cleansing Crystals after a Reiki Session

After a Reiki session, it is important to cleanse and recharge the crystals used during the session. This can be done by using one of the cleansing methods mentioned earlier, such as sunlight or sound vibrations.

Setting Intention with Crystals for Headache Relief

Intention is a powerful tool in both Reiki and crystal healing, and by setting a clear intention for the use of crystals in a Reiki session, the healing energy can be directed towards relieving headaches. The practitioner may also set the intention for the client to experience relief from their headaches.

How Can Crystals Be Used in Reiki for Headache Relief?

In practicing Reiki for headache relief, the power of crystals for period pain can be harnessed to alleviate discomfort. Placing crystals like amethyst or clear quartz on the forehead during a Reiki session can help to clear energy blockages and promote balance, potentially reducing the intensity of headaches.


Incorporating crystals into Reiki sessions can be a powerful and effective way to provide relief for those suffering from headaches. By understanding the unique properties of crystals and how they can work in conjunction with Reiki, individuals can find a natural and non-invasive approach to managing their headaches. Whether through crystal grids, carrying crystals, or incorporating crystals into Reiki sessions, these powerful tools can provide a holistic and gentle approach to finding relief from headaches.