The Healing Properties of Tiger Eye: How This Crystal Can Enhance Your Reiki Practice

Tiger eye is a beautiful and powerful crystal that has been used for centuries for its healing properties. This crystal, also known as tiger’s eye, is a type of quartz that is characterized by its golden brown color and shimmering bands of light. It is believed to have many benefits, including enhancing your Reiki practice. In this article, we will explore the various healing properties of tiger eye and how it can be used in conjunction with Reiki techniques to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. We will also discuss the importance of choosing the right crystal and safety precautions to take when working with tiger eye.

Understanding the Healing Properties of Tiger Eye

Healing properties of tiger eye are said to be numerous and wide-ranging. This crystal is believed to have a strong connection to the earth and its energies, making it a powerful tool for grounding and stability. It is also associated with the solar plexus chakra, which is responsible for our sense of self and personal power. By working with tiger eye, it is believed that one can tap into their inner strength and confidence, promoting courage and determination in all aspects of life.

Additionally, tiger eye is said to have calming and protective properties. It is thought to help with anxiety, fear, and self-doubt, promoting a sense of calm and balance. It is also believed to protect against negative energies and promote good luck and abundance.

Choosing the Right Crystal

When it comes to using crystals for healing, it is important to choose the right one for your specific needs. Choosing the right crystal involves understanding the properties of different crystals and how they can benefit you. In the case of tiger eye, it is important to know its healing properties and how they align with your intentions. For example, if you are looking to promote confidence and courage, tiger eye would be a great choice.

It is also important to choose a crystal that resonates with you. Spend some time holding and meditating with different crystals to see which one feels right for you. Trust your intuition and let the crystal choose you.

Enhancing Reiki Techniques with Tiger Eye

Reiki is a healing technique that involves channeling energy to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Reiki techniques can be enhanced by incorporating crystals, such as tiger eye, into the practice. The energy of the crystal can help amplify and focus the healing energy being channeled, making the Reiki session more effective.

One way to use tiger eye during a Reiki session is to place it on the solar plexus chakra while performing the Reiki hand positions. This can help promote confidence and balance in this area. Tiger eye can also be placed on other chakras or areas of the body that may need healing and balancing.

Additionally, tiger eye can be used during meditation or visualization exercises to help focus the mind and promote a sense of calm and clarity.

The Importance of Safety Precautions

While crystals such as tiger eye can have powerful healing properties, it is important to take safety precautions when working with them. Some people may have allergic reactions to certain crystals, so it is important to do a patch test on the skin before using a crystal for healing purposes. It is also important to cleanse and charge your crystals regularly to ensure their energy is clear and potent.

It is also recommended to consult with a certified Reiki practitioner or crystal healer before using tiger eye or any other crystal for healing purposes.

Can Amazonite and Tiger Eye Crystals Be Used Together in Reiki Healing Practices?

Yes, Amazonite and Tiger Eye crystals can be used together in Reiki healing practices. Amazonite is known for its calming and soothing properties, while Tiger Eye is believed to enhance strength and balance. Combining the healing properties of Amazonite with the grounding energy of Tiger Eye can create a powerful and harmonious healing experience.


Tiger eye is a beautiful and powerful crystal that can enhance your Reiki practice and promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Its healing properties are numerous and can provide a sense of grounding, protection, and confidence. By understanding how to choose the right crystal and incorporating it into Reiki techniques, you can experience the many benefits of tiger eye. Just remember to take necessary safety precautions and consult with a professional before using crystals for healing purposes. With the help of tiger eye, you can tap into your inner strength and promote balance and harmony in your life.